Thursday, 5 January 2012

Am i really a crazy person?

Simple answer - No...., well maybe??

Complicated Answer - It all depends on how we look at these things doesn't it?

I have been called crazy because its not unheard of for me to get up and dance on a table.....perfectly sober as well I might add - I did it in school actually (although i wasn't always sober there now that i think about that.....ok so not quite a good example but you get the idea right?).  I have also left a job, packed up my belongings and headed off to uni at the age of 30 - got called crazy then too! Went off to India on my own for a holiday- yep got called crazy then too! I could give you a thousand or more examples of when i have been called crazy but i supposed to others it would be more of a 'live wire' or something. This journal is not going to be all about my exploits of dancing on tables though, you see I could also quote many times when i have actually felt completely totally and utterly barking mad - i mean the i really need to be locked up kinda mad - I was diagnosed with severe depression when i was 18 and well its just not right when you feel like your head is going to explode, or maybe implode! But hey this journal is not going to be all about how crap i feel at times either - that would just be another sad tale of woe -my god we all have enough of that on soaps don't we?

So what is it going to be about??? honestly i don't know yet! My plan is simply to write and see what comes out - it will be about my life - could be past stuff, could be now stuff or could even be plans for the future if and when i actually make some of them.  Could be about the nonsense i think about or about or the horror i feel, it could even be about how i would like there to be world peace........hahahaha yes i'm one of them!!!

So there you go, no promises made, no clues about what is to come.  If you want to read then feel free, if you want to comment then feel free, and if you decide i'm crazy then so be it! One word of warning - i will not put up with abuse or spamming - you wanna do that then go somewhere else, and if you don't like what i'm saying then go somewhere else - I'm choosing to write it and you are choosing to read it - we both have the option to stop......Agreed??

Ok so if i haven't put you off see you on the next post :)

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